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Лингвокультура ингушей в условиях глобализации
[ Скачать с сервера (40.0 Kb) · Скачать удаленно () ] 13.11.2010, 02:44
Jerebilo T.V.

The Ingush lingua-culture in the conditions of globalization

If during the Soviet period the myth about “happy future” was cultivated in the public opinion that was supposed to be “the golden century” of the mankind it is history today, which became the field of furious political, ethno-cultural disputes, appealing to the myths about the further heroic past lost in ancient time. And the more ancient the past the greater is its value for the self-identification of nation, the more attractive it is for a basement of the ethno-genesis for a nation. This is not an idle problem if the rapid pace of the globalization that leads to the destruction of the traditional culture and lingua-culture not only of the minatory but also of the majority languages to be considered.
If according to the investigation of the experts by the 1996 there were about 6 thousand languages in the world, which got lessen about 10 – 12 languages each year, nowadays there are even facts of the death of languages of the whole ethnical groups: each fortnight a language is being died on the world now. The process of death became twice faster.
As for the Ingush language that belongs to a small ethnical group it dwells on more than that it is being developed in spite of the hard periods in the history of Ingushes which might well be a result of the fact that Ingushes paid great attention to self-history, to the social memory, and culture to maintain their identity.
However there are some certain decline tendencies in Ingush language distinguished in a strict destruction of the literary norms influenced by their democratization in last 10 – 15 years. Nevertheless the Ingush literary language is developing. It is getting richer by a new lexicon due to the mass-media, modern informational devices, development of the education, science, the new technologies, the changes in ideology, acquaintances with the other cultures, and new realization of the world progress through many of the informational channels.
In Ingush language like in Russian a new linguistic style of the epoch is formed which has such a characteristics.
1) openness of society that results to an extension of social functions of special, professional, and terminological lexicon (церемонии, номинации, топ-модель, суперстар, наркоман, антинаркотически, ксерокс, террор, теракт, акции, дилер and others);
2) specialization of the knowledge as a result of intrusion of international, borrowing lexicon linked with a new intellectual, informational, technological, financial, marketing, juristic structures (Интернет, МегаФон, мобильни, мобильник (мобильникаш), компьютер, компьютеризации, флэшка (флэшкаш); президент, парламент, спикер; маркетинг, менеджер, секьюрити, папарацци, бизнес, бизнесмен and others);
3) the new wave of democratization of style of the bookish and colloquial speech due to extension of usage of the youth jargon from jargon and argotic lexicon of Russian, English, French, and German languages (вау, came into Ingush lingua-culture from ancient Greece through American; нал; герла; бой-френд, суперски, суперово, супермен ( in jargon means) мачо, бабки, мани, мерс, шестерка, семерка, девяносто девятка and others);
4) the usage of the international, Russian and Ingush lexicon in micro-toponymy ( гимнази «Марем», парикмахерски 777, типографи «Пилигрим», магазин «Ковчег», кафе «Лейла», магазин «Мадина», Ингнет, Интернет-кафе «Лагуна», вязальни цех «Гвилетти», гостиница «Асса», котеджни

Категория: Статьи в международных изданиях | Добавил: ТатьянаВасильевна | Теги: лингвокультура, ингушский этнос, глобализация
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Статья издана на русском и английском языках.

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