University of Bologna, Italy-MESI, Yerevan, Armenia- Middlebury College, Vermont, USA- Sangmyung University, Cheonan, South Korea
October 3-5, 2012
Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the International Coordinating Committee we would like to express our gratitude to all participants in our International Virtual conferences. Since 2008 we have been working to develop and realize the Creation of a Virtual Educational Space for the World Community. The aim of the project has been to join the forces of instructors from leading universities across the globe, scholars from different countries working in various disciplines with individual styles and approaches to human communication and cooperation in the confines of intercultural communication. Participants have come from far reaches of countries and all corners of the earth to four major conferences: “Educational and Communicative Space in the CIS and Europe: Information Technologies in the Study of Russian in Institutions Not Specializing in Language Instruction,” 2008; “Information and Educational Space: The International Planet ‘The Russian Language’,” 2009; “Information and Communicative Technologies in Russian Studies: The Current Situation and Perspectives,” 2010; and “Educational Technologies in a Virtual Linguistic-Communicative Space,” 2011. The participants of the conferences, representatives of differing linguistic cultures and approaches to Russian studies had an opportunity to integrate their knowledge, skills and research methodologies in informational technologies and to assimilate the effectiveness of communication. Twenty nine nations from Russia and near and far have taken part in the project. In today's world, the world of economic crises, electronic conferences offer significant economical potential and thanks to the latest technological advancements we can interact virtually, obtaining not only extremely interesting information, but also participating in conversations for the development of educational and pedagogical technologies with representatives from leading international institutions. (Several monographs and textbooks have been published and lectures and classes have been carried out in virtual space).
The International Coordinating Committee (Armenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Slovakia, USA) is continuing work on its project Creation of a Virtual Educational Space for the World Community. We invite scholars, educators, instructors and graduate students to participate in the work of the International Virtual Conference «The Planet ‘Russian Language’ in Virtual Linguistic Communicative Space.”
The Aim of the Conference is to unite Russian specialists and literary scholars from different countries, to shine light upon relevant issues in Russian studies, literature, language learning pedagogy in the humanities, to increase the effectiveness of international cooperation, and the culture of electronic communication by creating a Network, a new way of sharing experiences, a new innovative educational medium. The International Virtual Conference will be conducted utilizing Adobe Connect Pro Meeting and Skype.
The International Virtual Conference will be hosted by the University of Bolgona, Italy. Co-sponsors include:
- Sang - Myung University, Seoul, Republic of Korea - Russian Department, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, USA; -Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Information Technology, (MESI), Moscow; - Moscow Contemporary Humanities Institute, Moscow; -International Centre for Expertise of Business Competences (Protection of Intellectual Property Rights), Yekaterinburg, Russia
Dates of the Conference: October 3-5, 2012 Registration: $90 USD (includes conference costs, copy of the publication, and shipping) Deadline: for submission of application and paper: September 15, 2012. Papers will be available prior to the Conference on the website:
Participants in the Conference will receive Certificates of Participation.
Working languages of the Conference and for Papers are Russian and English.
Main Scholarly Themes of the Conference: A. Linguistic and Educational Space: Formation, Support, Development. Innovative Technologies in Education B. Culture, Literature, Language C. CALI, Electronic Pedagogy and Ethical Issues D. Issues of Intercultural Communication
E. Issues in Linguistics and Methodology of Teaching Russian as a Second Language in Light of Intercultural Communication F. Theory and Practice of Teaching Russian and Other Languages as a Second Language G. The Theory and Practice of Using IT in Russian and other SL and Literature classes H. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright
The best papers will be published in a scholarly collection “In the World of International CALI” in ISSN and ISBN. The collection will contain articles on contemporary issues in Russian studies, literature, culture, electronic pedagogy, suggestions for innovative teaching methodologies and the use of information and educational technologies in the study of foreign languages and literatures, protection of intellectual property rights and copyright.
Requirements for formatting papers.
Length of the text 4-5 pages • Text should be formatted using Microsoft Office Word 2003 • Font Times New Roman • Title of the article – 14 point bold faced • Main text– 12 points, single spaced • Center alignment • Page size – А4, Orientation Portrait • Margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, right – 2 cm, left ¬— 2.5 cm. • Paragraph indent 5 spaces (0.8 cm) • No page numbering • Tables: width 10.8 cm, 10 point font, no indentations. All pages references should be included in the text in brackets after the quotation (first the number of the source followed by a comma, then the page number), for example: [1:98]. Sources should be provided at the end under the heading “Bibliography” numbered and in alphabetical order (10 point).
Please provide your academic degree, title, current position, university or college, city, and country.
We ask that you closely observe the formatting requirements and do not exceed five pages.
Application and paper should be sent as a separate file via e-mail to both:;
Information partner: -; и;;;;;